
Project reference


Start date

June or October 2025

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Hemodynamic digital twin and dancing bubbles to unlock central blood pressure

The ambition of this project is to revolutionise the management of cardiac conditions and their interventions through the non-invasive sensing of blood pressure inside the heart and main vessels. The approach to achieve this ambition is the combination of two disruptive technologies: the wave-matter interaction on ultrasound contrast agents for remote pressure sensing (i.e. make tiny air bubbles dance to the music of ultrasound waves and listen to the echoes of their moves to sense pressure), and the personalised models of human vasculature for bubble signal calibration to remote pressure (i.e. build the digital twin of the haemodynamic and mechanical behaviour of the human arterial system of each patient to convert reference systemic pressures captured in the arm into the pressure at the root of the aorta).