The aim of this project is to develop a radiomics-based deep learning model to predict treatment outcomes and disease progression in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). The model will be tested in pre-clinical GBM mouse models exposed to drug administration alone or drug combined with FUS treatments to disrupt the blood-tumour barrier. The trained model will be applied to historical data from GBM patients to evaluate its precision in a clinical setting. The aims of the PhD project will be the following: 1) Establish a pre-clinical GBM mouse model and characterise tumour features using MRI and PET imaging; 2) Utilise pre-clinical radiomics data to develop a deep learning model capable of predicting tumour response to treatment; and 3) Validate the deep learning model on historical GBM patient data to test model efficacy and predictive power.
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Integrating deep learning and radiomics to predict glioblastoma response to treatment