Colorectal cancer ranks as the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally, underscoring the critical importance of early detection for improved survival rates and quality of life. While colonoscopy is a common screening method, studies reveal a significant polyp miss rate even among experienced examiners. Moreover, current polyp treatment approaches often yield unsafe oncological margins and high complication rates, necessitating invasive surgery. This project seeks to develop a miniature, highly flexible endoscopy probe integrating two cutting-edge imaging modalities: photoacoustic and optical ultrasound. This innovative probe aims to enable in vivo, in situ histopathology of tissue, enhancing early polyp diagnosis and surgical outcomes. Through integration with a soft robot, the probe will facilitate safer and more precise interventions. The student will work within the framework of the ERC Synergy project, EndoTheranostics, that aims to revolutionise the theranostics of colorectal cancer.
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Miniature photoacoustic and ultrasound endoscopy probe for colorectal polyp diagnosis